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Rosh Hashana Honey Tasting Bar

When Rosh Hashana comes to mind, the first thing that’s common to think of is the classic- apples & honey, right? While I love tradition, adding new and interactive ways to celebrate the holidays bring such a new type of excitement.

I love a good wine tasting bar, but at 9 months pregnant, Im settling for the next best thing- a honey tasting bar! I loved learning about different honeys (who knew each was so unique?!) and I created this personalized tasting menu, as well as what pairs best with which honey! I’ve learned that Honey is so easily infused too, few extra ingredients added to a good quality honey can change up your entire dish! I think Rosh Hashana is the perfect time to show off the honey bar, and you can definitely have fun creating your own flavors and infusions with your guests!

Want to get even more interactive? Make your guests use a blindfold, and they have to guess what type of honey blend you created! The winner can go home with the bottle of wine I wasn’t able to have this year 😉


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